Top Tips that help your appliances last longer

Getting an electrician on the Gold Coast can be a difficult job with demands rising every day. That’s why when your refrigerator suddenly breaks for no reason, you’re less than pleased! With only a few hours to get all the food into another fridge before it goes off, you may ask yourself, how could make my appliances last longer? If you are looking for a reliable electrician, talk to the experts at NDF Electrical, however, no one wants to be constantly replacing or repairing expensive appliances, so here are the top tips to help your appliances have a longer lifespan.

How to make your oven last longer:

A regular oven can last between 10 to 20 years, however, to maximise the lifespan of your oven, you simply need to keep it clean. It’s a super simple tip but extremely effective! By cleaning up any spills that happen straight away will save you a lifetime of pain. It’s recommended to deep clean your oven once a month including the racks and trays, to remove all the food drippings and grease. It’s a tedious job, but it will ensure you maximise the lifespan of your oven.

How to make your refrigerator last longer:

A fridge is essential in every household, however, it’s an expensive replacement if it breaks. To ensure your fridge lasts past its regular life expectance, 6 to 13 years, you need to have plenty of space around the fridge. A fridge needs a large amount of airflow to operate properly, thus it’s important to leave a few inches on either side of the fridge as well as above.

For the fridges that have a water dispenser, make sure you are changing the water filters regularly to prevent any bacteria build-up that can permanently damage the dispensers.

Another tip is to clean out the condenser tubes that are located usually below the fridge. These tubes collect heaps of dust and dirt over time, especially if you have any pets. The dirt build-up can impact the fridge’s ability to regulate its temperature. If you clean the condenser tubes once a year you can increase your fridge’s life span up to 15 to 20 years!

How to make your dishwasher last longer:

A dishwasher usually will last around 6 to 12 years, yet to maximise its lifespan regular maintenances is needed. Some simple tips for your dishwasher are pre-rising all your dishes before loading up the dishwasher to prevent the sprayers and filters from getting clogged up. Taking a little extra time to rise first, will save you time and money in the future. Another tip is to use powder tablets to clean your dishwasher instead of gel-based detergents. This is extremely important for your dishwasher’s life, as there is chlorine bleach in gel detergents that can damage the inside and evidently shorten the lifespan.

We all know that appliances won’t last forever, even though that would be nice. Nonetheless, there are many little things you can do the enhance the lifespan of your appliances, instead of replacing them every few years. If you are looking for a trusted electrician on the gold coast, turn to NDF Electrical for all your needs. 

What are the top smoke alarm requirements for Gold Coast homes

We live in such a beautiful and vast country, surrounded by beautiful seas and bush land. However, we can easily forget how devastating and powerful this country can be as well. Not even two years ago, some of the strongest and most ferocious fires took over large parts of Eastern Australia, and it annihilated everything in its path. Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, fires are the most devastating disaster that Australia has to offer, and they can happen in an instant. You need to do everything and anything you can to prepare for fires, whether it be bushfires or house fire. The evolution of smoke alarms has saved many lives, and now new laws are pushing to ensure it is kept this way. Smoke alarms are often neglected as they can malfunction and be frustrating, however it can literally be the difference between life and death. Here are the top smoke alarm requirements for Gold Coast homes.

As mentioned above, smoke alarms are easy to forget about when thinking of things to upgrade or check around the home. The truth is, it should be made a priority as it gives you and whoever else in the home a better chance of survival. Also, the use of electric blankets, heaters and dryers also increase the chances of house fires in the colder months, along with bushfires in the hotter months…you can see the importance of being as prepared as possible.

New Legislation

In January 2017, new legislation came into effect, requiring homes and dwelling throughout all of Gold Coast and QLD to install new or upgrade their smoke alarm system by 2027. This new legislation aims to provide a more effective smoke alarm system for everyone in the home, not just in the room where the fire has been detected. This is completed by using advanced, photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms installed throughout the house. These new styles of alarms are much more effective in early detection of fire, giving you that vital extra time to exit the house.

Installation of new alarms

As mentioned above, these new alarm systems must be in your home by 2027. The reality is, the sooner they are in, the better. They are more effective and can save lives. The best way to speak to your electrician on the Gold Coast, who can source the alarms and install them safely. This is not a task you can do on your own, so sourcing your electrician is a must.

How do they work?

These new smoke alarms are rather technical, however simply put, this is how the operate:

Every smoke alarm is interconnected with each other. This means that if a fire is detected anywhere in the house, every alarm is triggered. This means that all members of the household will be alerted, regardless of if the fire is near them or not. This is much more advanced and safer, giving everybody the best chance to escape unharmed.

If you do not have them installed, speak to your electrician on the Gold Coast to get them in sooner rather than later.

Top Safety tips you must learn from your electricians

NDF Electrical are not only the team that take care of all your electrician needs, but we want to ensure that everybody, including our clients are safe in their own home! Electricity is such a part of our daily life; we can forget how much we rely on it. Also, we forgot how dangerous electricity can be and the damage it can have. Electricity is one of the main causes of fires, can be life threatening to children and pets and can damage expensive appliances within the household. Here are the top safety tips you must learn from your electrician on the Gold Coast.

Replace Damaged Cords and Plugs

Damaged cords and plugs are a massive hazard. They can be the reason for a fire to start, can damage your appliances or shock you or your loved ones. Replacing these damaged cords and plugs will ensure this does not happen, and any Gold Coast electrician will tell you this.

Don’t overload power points

Each power point and power socket have a set amount of power it can withstand. By plugging in adapters, power boards and power heavy appliances, this can stretch the limit that your power point can withstand. If you overload the power point, you will potentially damage the appliance, wiring and will have to call an electrician on the Gold Coast to fix the damage done.

Turn it off and unplug

A simple and effective way to reduce the number of problems is to turn the appliance off at the wall, and even unplug it. This is especially relevant if you are trying to save money on your electricity bill, or if you live in a place where lightning storms are common. A lightning strike can damage your homes electrical circuit, and everything attached to it.

Dust your appliances and give them space

Electricians on the Gold Coast will all agree that appliances will often get neglected. They get put in one spot forever and are never thoroughly cleaned. Build-up of dust can lead to fire hazards, and if the appliance uses a fan to operate, will put more stress on the appliance and could overheat.

Do not have electrical items near wet areas

To put it simply, water and electricity do not mix. It will shock the person near it and can be fatal, this is what Gold Coast electricians have seen plenty of times before. They are taught from the start how deadly mixing the two can be.

Never leave hot appliances unattended

Appliances like hairdryers, straighteners and heaters should never be left on, not even for a minute if they are unattended. If you get distracted and must leave for some reason, this can cause serious damage to your home and possessions.

Smoke alarms are a must!

Having working smoke alarms can save lives, it is as simple as that. If for some reason they are faulty, contact your electrician on the Gold Coast immediately. Leaving something as important as a smoke alarm is a risky decision that is not recommended.

Childproof outlets

For all your power points at low heights, have childproof sockets placed in them. Children are very inquisitive and will likely wonder what a power point does and can easily stick something in a socket that they should not, damaging the socket and potentially hurting them. These are a cheap and easy way to ensure this does not happen.

Top Tips to improve your office lighting

Whether we have experienced in our own lives, or have seen it in a movie, offices can be portrayed in many ways. They can be seen as a bustling haven where millions can be made…or can be seen as a miserable dark place where you show up every day to earn not enough money. Whatever way you may see it, an office can be great. You get to work indoors, you get to sit down, eat a hot lunch and can often talk to your employees. However, on the other hand, an office can be a small, dark cubicle, where you are required to complete a certain number of calls before you leave. You communicate with nobody else besides customers on the phone, and it can be a very dull and dark environment. Let’s talk about the many ways that you can liven up your workplace with some improved office lighting.

Firstly, the most obvious, and preferred way to lighten up the office space is by using free lighting…natural lighting! Having plenty of well-placed windows is a great way to add plenty of light to an office space, and best of all, it does not cost any money. This being said, we know that most companies in an office space are renting, so chances are, you cannot make the choices around installing new windows or moving existing ones.

A really great and innovative way to add more lighting is by switching your globes to LED lighting. LED is a newer technology, and is seen as the superior lighting option. This is due to its much more vibrant and brighter colour, its ease of installation, along with its great price and running costs. Considering an LED globe will contribute much lighter to a workspace, it will actually cost far less in the long term. Firstly, it will use less electricity than that of a regular light globe, and also, the life expectancy is much, much longer, meaning no need to get them replaced by an electrician on Gold Coast any time soon!

Another great way to increase lighting is by using lamps. Whether these are desk lamps to reduce the effects of blue light from computer screens, or floor lamps to add some much-needed light in the darker corners of the office, lamps are a great way to add light into the office.

Light distribution and placement are a massive factor when considering ways to add light into the office. It may seem like a massive job; however, it is nothing that a qualified electrician on The Gold Coast cannot take care of.

Finally, incorporating some lighter fixtures, light colours, large mirrors and indoor windows will work wonders in lightening up the office space.

Whatever decision you make, if you need a qualified electrician on The Gold Coast to take care of your new and improved office space, contact the team at NDF Electrical.

How electricians help in thermal investigation

Infrared thermography is a powerful tool in the prevention of electrical problems. It can be used to identify areas where heat generation from current flow into an electric circuit exceeds normal levels, which may indicate resistance or excessive current flow that could result in damage and malfunctioning equipment. Early detection using this technology means we don’t have to wait for expensive repairs later on – saving time and money! Thermal imagers enable us to see the heat signatures associated with high electrical resistance long before it becomes a problem. This allows experts and professional technicians alike to quickly spot an issue when there could be risks of circuit failures or explosions.

There are two basic patterns related to this indicator:

1) poor surface contact which causes a higher level of resistance,

2) overloads in circuits or multi-phase imbalances can cause similar issues so always stay alert for these dangers as well! NDF Electrical is your trusted electricians on Gold Coast and can help you with a thermal inspection to ensure your home is safe.

How does it work?

Imagine a world where you could see if your circuit wiring was overheating just by looking at it. How would that change the way we live? Electricians use thermal imaging to detect any electrical heating problems, allowing them to confirm that an appliance or fixture is safe for us and our loved ones with relative ease before leaving their customer’s home. We are not able to tell whether or not electricity has been poorly wired without using tools such as infrared thermography inspections—and so these types of checks are necessary for people like electricians to be sure they have done all they can do within reason when conducting work on somebody else’s property.

The level of electricity consumption is indicated by the temperature. As a wire gets hotter, more heat-producing electrons are released and sent through the wiring circuit to meet our energy demands. This colour change results in warmer colours on your digital screen that will then go from orange (hot) to blue (cold).

Why do we do it?

Keeping your electrical systems in check is a priority. That’s because when the wiring overheats, it can send sparks that could ignite nearby combustible material such as carpet or furniture; if not caught early enough, this leads to house fires with devastating consequences. A hot wire might even melt and damage other wires along its path – so make sure you’re checking on them regularly! A home is a living being, and it thrives in different environments.

Too much heat can be deadly for your wires as well! If the temperature reaches dangerous levels, they will just get to work consuming more electricity- which also means that you’re spending more money on those bills. This overheating of old wiring might cause an electrical fire or spark if not taken care of quickly enough!

If you are looking for an electrician on The Gold Coast look no further than NDF Electrical. Years of experience and quality service is what is to be expected from the team at NDF Electrical

Why dimmer switches are a must in your house

Dimming your lights has been around since Captain Caveman tried some smooth moves on Mrs Caveman. But provident ambient light to enhance social activities is only one reason why dimmer switches are a must in your house. NDF Electrical are the first choice if you are looking for an electrician in Tweed Heads and here are some more reasons to use dimmer switches.

  1. Save Energy/Cost saving

With the world taking on a greater shade of green, dimmer switches are an easy way to save on energy. By dimming your lights, you are automatically using less energy and as such your power bill will lower.

  • Environmental Impact

Lowering your energy is also a great plus for the environment, less fumes will be emitted from the power plants if less energy is required. Do your part for the environment and have the best electrician in Tweed Heads, NDF Electrical install some dimmer switches in your home.

  • Save your Bulbs.

Your bulbs will last longer. Light bulbs only have a finite number of hours of life and by dimming the lights your light bulbs will have less stress and will last longer. Again, saving you money from not having to buy new lightbulbs and also saving the environment as excess bulbs won’t end up in landfill.

  • Ambiance

You can change the feel of a house with a few nicely placed dimmer lights. There is a time and a place for full strength intense lighting but when you are trying to set a mood or enhance a feature a dimmer switch will be your best friend. Who would have known that an electrician in Tweed Heads could change the look and feel of your house, only by installing dimmers.

  • Soft lighting = better looking

You look better in the cold hard light of day, said no one ever. Soft lighting is the perfect solution for when you are having a bad “face” day. There is no doubt that we all look better with softer lighting so do yourself and your partner a favour and soften the mood with dimmers.

Best rooms and areas around the house for dimmers


There are times and places for harsh lighting and the bathroom is one of them. A lot of personal grooming happens in their so having ample light to avoid personal injury is important. As important is the option to dim the lights and just chill. Pamper yourself with a bath with the lights down low and feel the stress melt away.


This here is a no brainer really. Dimming the lights is a must here, if one partner is sleeping and the other is reading and doesn’t want to disturb them a dimmer is the answer. NDF Electrical is responsible for saving many marriages in Tweed Heads from installing dimmer switches in the master bedroom.

Outdoor Entertaining

Having the flexibility of dimming the lights for your outdoor entertaining area will take your parties or social gatherings to the next level. Accentuating the gardens or features items is one of the ways that a good dimmer can help.

Why you should get a professional to look after your electrical needs

The number one reason you should hire a qualified, licensed and professional electrician on The Gold Coast to do any type of electrical work is for safety. Electricity cannot be smelt, seen or heard under normal circumstances. You can hear crackling sounds, smell a burnt smell and see sparks or flashes when something goes wrong and you definitely can feel it when you get a shock or are electrocuted, but under normal circumstances, electricity is invisible to all your senses, which is why you need to get a professional to safely look after your electrical needs.

Some other reasons you should have a licensed electrician on Gold Coast do all of your electrical work are:

  • You are not allowed to do any electrical work yourself by law in Australia

It can be tempting to do an electrical job yourself; you can see that it’s straightforward and apart from saving you a little money, you need it done straight away and do not want to wait for a licenced electrician to get there and do it for you. But consider that by doing so, you could be placing your family or friends in grave danger.

If there is an accident and you have done your own electrical work, you most likely will be held responsible for any injuries, deaths or property damage and your insurance will not pay out on any cover you may have.

When any major repairs or new installations are made on your property, your electrician is required to complete a wiring diagram of the work done. This is so the next electrician who works on your electrical system can clearly see what has been done.

When a property is sold and you have done your own electrical work it can be clearly seen when any electrical report or new work is carried out

  • Safety

Working with electricity is dangerous and requires special training in the correct methods and safety precautions to prevent personal injury while working on any electrical installation or repair.

Wiring and electrical installations that are not correctly or are haphazardly made can become long term electrical safety hazards and may at some future date cause circuits to become unsafe and damage equipment, start electrical fires or cause shocks to people

  • The right Knowledge

Your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast is a highly qualified professional who is an all rounder and able to look after most of your home and small business electrical needs. Their experience and training covers all types of electrical repairs and installations including wiring for new homes, extensions, renovations, updating existing wiring and repairs.

They carry a comprehensive insurance cover and you can check their history, customer testimonials and reviews online to find out other peoples experiences with their work

  • Cost-effective

Your local electrician on The Gold Coast will quickly inspect and diagnose any electrical problem you have and offer you a cost-effective and efficient remedy, to reduce any inconvenience or frustration your electrical problem has created for your work or lifestyle

When you engage a professional electrician on The Gold Coast for your electrical installations or repair work, their main priority is the safety of everyone including your family and themselves. They are trained to follow strict safety protocols at all times and to do all electrical work according to the latest federal and local regulations.

Top Electrical safety tips to follow in the rainy season

During the wet season everyone faces an increased exposure to the risks from electricity. This because water is a very good conductor, when electrical appliances or wiring are exposed to moisture, they must be checked by your local electrician on Gold Coast before they are used.

Roofing, cladding and timbers used to seal your home from the elements can during the dry season shrink a little. So prepare your home before the wet season arrives by using these practical tips:

  • Ensure electrical fittings are waterproof

Have you local electrician on the Gold Coast check you electrical wiring and fittings to ensure they are waterproof and protected long before the wet season arrives

  • Ensure electrical appliances are protected from wind and rain

If any electrical appliances gets wet they will not be safe to use. You may not get a shock, but they could short out and start a fire. After the surface appears dry, it’s still likely that moisture is trapped inside

  • Make sure your home is properly grounded

If your home is not properly grounded the electricity will look for the quickest and easiest way to get to the earth. In wet conditions that could be through surface water and your body if you’re in contact with either the appliance, wiring, water or the ground. Ask you friendly local electrician to check that everything is properly grounded

  • Electric cords and extensions

Electrical cords, power boards and extension leads are susceptible to damage, so special care needs to be taken when using storing or retrieving them.

  • NEVER retrieve or coil up an extension cord that is still plugged into an electrical outlet as any damage to the cord could result in a shock or electrocution
  • Check all power cords before using
  • Do not allow extension cords to lie in areas where they could get wet
  • Do not use staples or nails to hang or fasten extension cords or power boards. Instead use Velcro or tape
  • Avoid overloading power cords or power boards
  • Inspect your appliances, leads and outlets for water damage after rain

Before using any appliances after a heavy rain, it’s a good practice to check them and their surrounds for any evidence of water or damage. If you suspect any issues, call your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast to check them for you before using

Your local electrician on The Gold Coast knows the local conditions and the problems associated with Gold Coast weather and is trained and experienced in dealing with all potential and existing problems that can occur inside and around your home.

It’s wise to have your total wiring system including the grounding and all appliances checked long before the rainy season begins to avoid any potential problems and to give you peace of mind.

After a bad storm if you think you may have sustained any water damage to your home, have your local electrician on The Gold Coast thoroughly check your system and appliances.

Top Warning Signs that indicate there are faults in your electrical wiring

Your electrical wiring and the power you receive from it, most people take for granted, but you should have your electrician on Gold Coast check your wiring every few years or if experiencing any of the following conditions. Electricity and electrical faults can be dangerous, so it’s vital for your family’s safety that you maintain your electrical wiring in top condition.

Some of the top warning signs that you must call your friendly local electrician on The Gold coast to repair are:

  • Circuit breakers Tripping Frequently

Circuit breakers are installed in your system to trip if your electrical wiring is overloaded for any reason. If you have several high load appliances on one circuit and they all start together the wiring may be overloaded enough to trip your circuit breaker. If this happens regularly, it’s time to call your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast to check your wiring

  • Flickering, dimming or buzzing lights

If any of your lights dim, flicker or make a buzzing sound, it’s likely there is a problem with your wiring circuits. Sometimes this indicates a drop in voltage which may be external caused by fluctuations in your power supply or internal where there is a possible issue that needs to be investigated. When you turn on an appliance and it causes a change in your lights you need to call your friendly electrician on The Gold Coast as soon as possible

  • Scorch marks or charring

If any of your power outlets or plugs are discoloured, charred or deformed it indicates they are heating up. This is a definite sign of damage and if left and the cause not found, it’s likely to cause an electrical fire so you need to have your friendly electrician on The Gold Coast check your circuits as soon as possible

  • Vibrating or warm power outlets or plugs

All the connections and power outlets in your wiring should be cool and silent at all times. If you ever feel any vibrations or sense of warmth from any part of your wiring, it’s a sign you need to have your whole system checked

  • Strange smells

If you detect any burnt or smoky smells or other odours such as a rotten egg smell in your home or business it suggests that there is some heat damage caused by faulty, loose connections or the insulation on your electrical wiring has been compromised and needs to be checked

The safety of your home and family as well as your business, its staff and customers can be compromised by faulty electrical wiring, never do your own repairs. Always call a professional qualified and registered electrician to do all repairs or installations. If you notice any changes in your electrical wiring such as flipped circuit breakers or safety switches, burning or other smells, flickering lights or deformed, warm or vibrating outlets or switches, call your friendly electrician on The Gold Coast.

What can be the reasons your safety switches keep tripping?

One of the most important safety features your local electrician on Gold Coast can install in your home is safety switches on your circuitry. Safety switches are often confused with circuit breakers and surge protectors which are installed to protect equipment and wiring. Safety switches role is to protect life, they do this by monitoring the movement of current as it passes through your electrical wiring and instantly disconnect the electricity if they detect any differences or changes.

When a safety switch in your home keeps tripping or shutting off your current it can be for any of these reasons:

  • Damaged or faulty appliances

When an appliance gets old, worn or damaged it can leak extra current. When this happens your safety switch will be activated and turn the current off. The best way to find a faulty appliance that leaking extra current is to disconnect all appliances on a circuit and try them individually

  • Damaged Wiring

Electrical wiring inside your home can become damaged through excessive movement cause by wind or storms, animals eating away at the insulation or it may have perished over time. Your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast is the best person to check and replace faulty wiring that keeps triggering your safety switch

  • Too Much Load Drawn from a Circuit

Each electrical circuit is designed to have a maximum load.

If there are too many appliances on a circuit and the all turn at the same time they are

 very likely to cause a safety switch to trip.

As appliances age, they tend to allow tiny amounts of current leakage, when there are a lot of appliances on one circuit this can add up to enough to cause the safety switch to be activated when they operate. Disconnect a few appliances and see if it makes a difference. , call your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast to have your wiring and appliances checked

  • Bad Weather

Safety switches can be affected by bad weather and storms, especially in extremely damp and humid conditions. Lightning strikes near your property or near the electrical supply line can also cause surges that may trip your safety switch

  • Defective Safety Switches

A defective safety switch may cause tripping, but usually when they are faulty they do not go off, so it’s important to check your safety switches regularly.

Check your safety switches at least once a month and after any major storms, If you do not think you can do that regularly you can arrange with your friendly local electrician on The Gold Coast to have a regular maintenance check scheduled on your safety switches every three months and a wiring check every year.

Electricity is one of the most helpful commodities in the home, but also the most dangerous if not handled properly. The small cost of having your electrical wiring and safety switches regularly checked will keep your family safe.